🕮 Satire

🕮 Horror

🕮 Paranormal

Pros:  The design of this book is ingenious.  It looks like an Ikea catalog and each chapter starts with a product and specifications for the product that are incredibly realistic.  I also enjoyed the slow descent from bland furniture to torture devices as the story went along. The horror elements are scary enough to keep the story interesting but made less so by the humor throughout. Some reviews I read didn’t understand the humor and to that I say….you must not have ever worked in retail!  Retail work is the REAL horror in this book and the parts that I related with the most. For a fairly short book (I read it in one sitting) the characters are well-developed and I understood their motivations. I even enjoyed the annoying ones because they were believable. I saw some people who had an issue with the ending but I thought it was perfect and the best way this story could have ended.

Cons: There was more gross horror in this book for my taste but that is a personal preference and not the book’s problem.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.


One response to “Review: Horrorstör”

  1. Sports Savvy Avatar

    The unique design adds to the creepy atmosphere. Great review!


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